Ports (30)
- ansiweather weather in terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
- calcmysky simulator of light scattering by planetary atmospheres
- celestia free space simulator and planetarium
- dgpsip Differential GPS over IP communication device
- gcal calculate and print calendars
- gnuastro GNU Astronomy Utilities
- jday astronomical julian date calculator
- kstars planetarium simulator for KDE
- libnova astronomic computations as a library
- phoon displays the phase of the moon in ascii
- py-astral calculations for the position of the sun and the moon
- py-astropy community-developed python astronomy tools
- py-de421 JPL Planetary and Lunar Ephemeris DE421 for jplephem
- py-erfa Python wrapper for ERFA
- py-jplephem use a JPL ephemeris to predict planet positions
- py-metar Python module to access NOAA's METAR weather reports
- py-sgp4 Python implementation of SGP4 satellite tracking algorithm
- py-skyfield computes positions for the stars, planets, and satellites
- siril astronomical image processing tool
- stellarium free open source planetarium
- sunclock display the phase of the Sun on a map of the Earth
- wcslib implementation of the FITS WCS standard
- wmglobe wm-dockapp; displays the earth on an icon
- wmmoonclock wm-dockapp; shows the moon phase
- wmspaceweather wm-dockapp; space weather monitor
- wmsun wm-dockapp; shows sunrise/sunset times
- xearth set the root window to the image of earth
- xephem interactive astronomical ephemeris
- xphoon set the root window to the moon in its current phase
- xworld earth as seen from the direction of the sun