Ports (18)
- audacious audacious meta-package
- avr AVR meta-package
- geda stack of free/open source CAD/EDA tools (gEDA suite)
- gnome GNOME desktop meta-package (core installation)
- gnustep GNUstep desktop meta-package
- jitsi meta package for all Jitsi Meet components
- kde KDE meta-package (full installation)
- league-fonts fonts from the League of Moveable Type
- lxqt desktop meta-package for LXQt (base installation)
- mate MATE desktop meta-package (base installation)
- msp430 MSP430 meta-package
- mupen64plus n64 emulator (default plugins)
- python3 meta-package to install the current version of python 3
- qt5 C++ general-purpose toolkit, meta-package
- qt6 C++ application and widget toolkit, meta-package
- tor-browser Tor Browser meta package
- xfce Xfce desktop meta-package (base installation)
- zyn-fusion powerful synthesizer engine with an interactive UI