Subfolders (3)
Ports (220)
- architect database exploration/builder written in Java
- barman backup and restoration manager for PostgreSQL
- bbolt embedded key/value database for Go
- citus extension to horizontally scale PostgreSQL
- evolution-data-server unified backend for PIM programs
- freetds database drivers for Sybase/Microsoft SQL Server
- galera synchronous multi-master replication engine
- gdbm GNU dbm
- influx-cli CLI to query influxdb v2 databases
- influxdb time-series datastore for metrics, events, and analytics
- iodbc ODBC 3.x driver manager
- jxplorer standards compliant LDAP browser
- kdb database connectivity and creation framework
- kexi visual database applications creator
- ksql yet another SQLite wrapper
- kyotocabinet straightforward implementation of DBM
- lbdb "little brother's database", email address query tools
- leveldb fast key-value storage library
- libdbi database-independent abstraction layer
- libdbi-drivers mysql driver for libdbi
- libhiredis minimalistic C client for Redis
- libpqxx C++ client API for PostgreSQL
- libzdb easy to use database connection pool Library
- liquibase manage SQL database schemas via config files
- lmdb Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
- lmdbxx C++17 wrapper for Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
- luadbi database interface library for Lua (including SQLite3)
- lualdap interface LDAP from lua
- luasqlite3 binding of sqlite3 for lua
- mariadb multithreaded SQL database (client)
- mdbtools read microsoft Access MDB
- mongo-tools tools for the MongoDB database
- mydumper utility for quick MySQL dumping
- mysql-utilities MySQL management utilities
- mysql-zrm MySQL backup scripts
- mysql2pgsql convert a MySQL dump to a PostgreSQL dump
- openldap LDAP client library and tools
- p5-AnyEvent-CouchDB non-blocking CouchDB client based on jquery.couch.js
- p5-AsciiDB-TagFile tie class for a simple ASCII database
- p5-BerkeleyDB Berkeley DB module
- p5-CDB_File Perl extension for access to cdb databases
- p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH easy DBI access
- p5-Catalyst-Controller-Rose RDBO and RHTMLO base classes for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI catalyst model for Class::DBI
- p5-Catalyst-Model-DBI DBI model class for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema model class for catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIDM DBIx::DataModel model class
- p5-Catalyst-Model-RDBO base class for Rose::DB::Object for catalyst
- p5-Class-DBI simple database abstraction
- p5-Class-DBI-AbstractSearch abstract Class::DBI's SQL with SQL::Abstract
- p5-Class-DBI-AsForm produce HTML form elements for database columns
- p5-Class-DBI-FromCGI update Class::DBI objects through CGI::Untaint
- p5-Class-DBI-FromForm update Class:DBI data from html forms
- p5-Class-DBI-Loader dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes
- p5-Class-DBI-Loader-Relationship easier relationship specification in CDBI::L
- p5-Class-DBI-Pager pager utility for Class::DBI
- p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll more complex retrieve_all() for Class::DBI
- p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type determine type information for columns
- p5-Class-DBI-SQLite extensions to Class::DBI for SQLite
- p5-Class-DBI-mysql extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
- p5-CouchDB-View handle and create CouchDB views in Perl
- p5-DBD-CSV DBI driver for CSV files
- p5-DBD-Chart DBI driver abstraction for rendering charts and graphs
- p5-DBD-LDAP DBI driver for LDAP databases
- p5-DBD-MariaDB MariaDB and MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface
- p5-DBD-Mock mock database driver for testing
- p5-DBD-Pg access to PostgreSQL databases through the DBI
- p5-DBD-SQLite SQLite drivers for the Perl DBI
- p5-DBD-SQLite2 SQLite2 drivers for the Perl DBI
- p5-DBD-Sybase Sybase database driver for the DBI module
- p5-DBD-XBase reads and writes XBase (dbf) files, includes DBI support
- p5-DBD-mysql MySQL drivers for the Perl DBI
- p5-DBD-mysqlPP Pure Perl MySQL driver for the Perl DBI
- p5-DBI the standard database interface module for Perl
- p5-DBI-Shell interactive command shell for the DBI
- p5-DBICx-Sugar just some syntax sugar for DBIx::Class
- p5-DBICx-TestDatabase create a temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema
- p5-DBIx-Class extensible and flexible object relational mapper
- p5-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached cursor class with built-in caching support
- p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault automatically set and update columns
- p5-DBIx-Class-HTMLWidget publish DBIx::Class on the web
- p5-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M introspect many-to-many shortcuts
- p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader create a DBIx::Class::Schema based on a database
- p5-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp automatically set and update time based columns
- p5-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns unique identifiers as columns in DBIx::Class
- p5-DBIx-Class-Validation data validation for DBIx::Class
- p5-DBIx-Connector fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
- p5-DBIx-ContextualFetch add contextual fetches to DBI
- p5-DBIx-DBSchema database-independent schema objects
- p5-DBIx-DWIW DBI wrapper intended to Do What I Want
- p5-DBIx-DataModel classes and UML-style associations on top of DBI
- p5-DBIx-Migration seamless DB up- and downgrades
- p5-DBIx-SearchBuilder encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
- p5-DBIx-Simple very complete easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
- p5-DBIx-XHTML_Table create HTML table from sql queries
- p5-DBM-Deep perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactions
- p5-Data-Page pager utility
- p5-Data-Pageset pager utility
- p5-Data-RandomPerson create random person data
- p5-GDBM_File perl interface to gdbm
- p5-Ima-DBI database connection caching and organization
- p5-Jifty-DBI database OO schema for Jifty
- p5-Mojo-Pg dbd-pg wrapper for mojolicious
- p5-Mojo-SQLite tiny Mojolicious wrapper for SQLite
- p5-Net-Prometheus export monitoring metrics for prometheus
- p5-Redis perl binding for Redis database
- p5-Rose-DB DBI wrapper and abstraction layer
- p5-Rose-DB-Object object-oriented database mapper
- p5-Rose-DateTime datetime helper functions for Rose
- p5-Rose-Object object oriented DBMS for perl
- p5-SQL-Abstract generate SQL from Perl data structures
- p5-SQL-Abstract-Classic generate SQL from Perl data structures
- p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit portability layer for LIMIT emulation
- p5-SQL-Abstract-More extension of SQL::Abstract with more constructs
- p5-SQL-Abstract-Pg PostgreSQL features for SQL::Abstract
- p5-SQL-ReservedWords reserved words in SQL and specific databases
- p5-SQL-Statement SQL parsing and processing engine
- p5-SQL-Translator SQL DDL transformations and more
- p5-Sort-SQL manipulate SQL sort strings
- p5-TAP-Parser-SourceHandler-pgTAP stream TAP from pgTAP test scripts
- p5-Tangram object-oriented DBMS
- p5-Tie-DBI Tie hashes to DBI relational databases
- p5-ldap client interface to LDAP servers
- p5-pgsql access to PostgreSQL databases perl
- patroni PostgreSQL HA cluster management tool
- pecl-redis PHP interface to redis
- percona-toolkit MySQL Percona tools
- pg-toolbox programs to aid the PostgreSQL administrator
- pg_sqlite_fdw PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper for SQLite
- pg_stats_reporter graphical report tool for PostgreSQL
- pg_statsinfo monitor PostgreSQL activity & statistics
- pgbackrest PostgreSQL backup & restore tool
- pgbadger advanced PostgreSQL log analyzer
- pgbouncer lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
- pgcluu PostgreSQL performances monitoring and auditing tool
- pgfouine PostgreSQL log analyzer
- pgmodeler PostgreSQL Database Modeler
- pgpool connection pool server for PostgreSQL
- pgtap unit testing for PostgreSQL
- pgtcl Tcl interface to PostgreSQL
- pkglocatedb database of packages for use with locate(1)
- ports-readmes readmes.html
- ports-readmes-dancer ports-readmes dancer web app
- postgresql PostgreSQL RDBMS (client)
- postgresql-ip4r IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-odbc ODBC driver for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-pllua Lua procedural language support for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-plr R procedural language for PostgreSQL
- postgresql-previous PostgreSQL RDBMS (previous version, for pg_upgrade)
- postgresql_autodoc documentation generator for postgresql databases
- pspg UNIX pager optimized for tabular data
- py-alembic database migration tool for sqlalchemy
- py-apsw thin SQLite wrapper for Python
- py-bsddb3 Python bindings for Oracle Berkeley DB
- py-carbon backend data caching and persistence daemon for Graphite
- py-flask-sqlalchemy sqlalchemy support for flask
- py-influxdb Python client library for InfluxDB 1.x
- py-influxdb_client Python client library for InfluxDB 2.x and Flux
- py-ldap LDAP client API for Python
- py-ldap0 provides an API to access LDAP directory servers for Python
- py-ldap3 RFC4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library
- py-lmdb Python bindings for LMDB
- py-minidb simple SQLite3 store for Python objects
- py-mongo Python driver for mongodb
- py-mysqlclient Python interface to MySQL
- py-odbc ODBC bindings for Python
- py-peewee small expressive ORM
- py-pg_activity command line tool for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring
- py-pickleshare tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support
- py-psycopg2 PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- py-puppetdb library for working with the PuppetDB API
- py-pygresql PostgreSQL module for Python
- py-pymysql MySQL driver in pure Python
- py-redis Python interface to Redis
- py-sql library to write SQL queries
- py-sqlalchemy database toolkit for Python
- py-sqlobject ORM (Object Relational Manager) for Python
- py-sqlparse non-validating SQL parser
- py-whisper fixed size round-robin style database
- qdbm high performance embedded database library
- recoll full text search application
- redis persistent key-value database
- repmgr HA and replication cluster management for PostgreSQL
- ruby-amalgalite ruby SQLite3 embedded database library
- ruby-hiera-eyaml Hiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties
- ruby-hiera-eyaml-gpg gpg encryptor for the hiera eyaml backend
- ruby-hiera-file data backend for Hiera to return whole files
- ruby-hiera3 simple pluggable hierarchical database
- ruby-ldap Ruby interface to some common LDAP libraries
- ruby-mysql2 modern, simple and very fast MySQL library for Ruby
- ruby-pg PostgreSQL database interface for ruby
- ruby-sequel lightweight database library and ORM for Ruby
- ruby-sequel_pg faster SELECTs when using ruby-sequel with ruby-pg
- ruby-sqlite3 access a SQLite3 database from ruby
- ruby-tiny_tds simple and fast ruby binding to FreeTDS
- ruby-trilogy MySQL-compatible library for ruby
- sharedance high-performance server that centralizes key/data pairs
- sqlbox database access library
- sqlcipher encrypted SQLite database
- sqlite Embedded SQL implementation
- sqlite3 embedded SQL implementation
- sqlite3-odbc ODBC driver for SQLite3
- sqlite3-tcl Tcl bindings for SQLite3
- sqlitebrowser graphical interface to sqlite databases
- sqlports sqlite database of ports
- sqsh SQL shell for FreeTDS
- tdb trivial database library
- tdbc Tcl Database Connectivity
- tdbc-mysql MariaDB module for TDBC
- tdbc-odbc ODBC module for TDBC
- tdbc-postgres PostgreSQL module for TDBC
- tdbc-sqlite3 SQLite3 module for TDBC
- timescaledb database designed to make SQL scalable for time-series data
- tinycdb creating and reading constant databases
- tokyocabinet key/value database library
- updatedb pkg_add speed up cache
- victoriametrics fast, cost-effective and scalable time series database
- web2ldap full-featured LDAP client running as web application
- xapian-bindings perl bindings for Xapian
- xapian-core search engine library