
Subfolders (2)
Ports (166)
  • 4ti2 solve algebraic, geometric, combinatorial problems
  • R powerful math/statistics/graphics language
  • aamath ASCII art mathematics
  • armadillo C++ library for scientific computing
  • arpack F77 subroutines for solving large scale eigenvalue problems
  • bc-gh implementation of POSIX bc with GNU and BSD extensions
  • bcal storage and general-purpose calculator (Byte CALculator)
  • blas Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
  • calc C-style arbitrary precision calculator
  • calcoo RPN and algebraic scientific calculator
  • cblas C interface to the BLAS library
  • cddlib C library for double description method for convex polyhedra
  • cfitsio library for handling FITS data
  • cgal Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
  • cglm highly optimized graphics math library
  • coq proof assistant based on a typed lambda calculus
  • datamash perform basic numeric, textual and statistical operations
  • dieharder random number generator (rng) testing suite
  • double-conversion binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles
  • ecm elliptic curve method (ECM) factorization library
  • eigen3 lightweight C++ template library for linear algebra
  • ensmallen C++ template library for function minimization
  • fann Fast Artificial Neural Network Library
  • fftw C routines for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
  • fftw3 C routines for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
  • flintlib fast library for number theory
  • foma finite-state compiler and C library
  • galculator GTK-based scientific calculator
  • gbc GNU version of the arbitrary precision calculators bc and dc
  • geogebra educational mathematical software
  • ginac GiNaC is Not a Computer Algebra System (CAS)
  • gnumeric spreadsheet application for GNOME
  • gnuplot command-driven interactive function plotting program
  • grace GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of data
  • graphviz graph drawing software
  • grpn graphical reverse polish notation calculator
  • gunits GNU units conversion program
  • hc multi-radix integer desk calculator
  • hdf5 Hierarchical Data Format 5 Technology suite
  • hexcalc multi-radix calculator for x11
  • hoc from Kernighan & Pike: High Order Calculator
  • igraph C graph library
  • imath C++ and python library of 2D and 3D vector & matrix
  • isl manipulate integer points bounded by linear constraints
  • jacal symbolics math system
  • kst data viewing/plotting tool
  • labplot data visualization and analysis software
  • lapack library of Fortran linear algebra subroutines
  • lean interactive and automated theorem prover
  • libcerf implementation of complex error functions
  • libqalculate applied math library and CLI calculator
  • libtommath number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
  • lrs solve vertex enumeration and convex hull problems
  • mathomatic small, portable, general purpose computer algebra system
  • matio library for reading and writing Matlab MAT files
  • maxima GPL computer algebra system based on DOE Macsyma
  • mcl clustering algorithm for graphs
  • mcsim monte carlo simulation software
  • minisat minimalistic Boolean satisfiability solver
  • ministat statistics utility
  • mlpack C++ machine learning library
  • moo Marco's Object Oriented calculator
  • muparser C++ math parser library
  • netcdf library for machine-independent, array-oriented data access
  • nlopt library for nonlinear optimization
  • nonogram terminal-based nonogram solver
  • nonolib nonogram solver library
  • ntl Victor Shoup's Number Theory Library
  • ocaml-num library for arithmetic on big integers and rationals
  • ocaml-zarith arbitrary precision integer and rational arithmetic
  • octave Scientific Programming Language
  • openfst weighted finite-state transducers library
  • p5-AI-FANN interface to the Fast Artificial Neural Network library
  • p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp implement a back-propagation feed-forward neural network
  • p5-AI-NeuralNet-Kohonen Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps
  • p5-AI-NeuralNet-Kohonen-Visual visualisation of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps
  • p5-AI-NeuralNet-Mesh module to implement an accurate neural network mesh
  • p5-AI-Perceptron module to internal operations of neural networks
  • p5-Algorithm-Combinatorics efficient generation of combinatorial sequences
  • p5-Algorithm-NaiveBayes Bayesian prediction of categories
  • p5-Bit-Vector library of advanced math functions
  • p5-Business-Hours calculate business hours in a time period
  • p5-Chart-Math-Axis algorithm to find good values for chart axis
  • p5-Data-PowerSet generate all subsets of a list of elements
  • p5-Graph-Easy render/convert graphs in/from various formats
  • p5-Graph-Easy-As_svg output a Graph::Easy as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
  • p5-GraphViz perl interface to the graphviz graphing tool
  • p5-Math-Base36 encoding and decoding of base36 strings
  • p5-Math-Base85 module handles numbers in base 85
  • p5-Math-BaseCnv fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases
  • p5-Math-Bezier perl module for solving bezier curves
  • p5-Math-BigInt-GMP use the GMP library for Math::BigInt routines
  • p5-Math-Calc-Units human-readable unit-aware calculator
  • p5-Math-Derivative numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
  • p5-Math-FFT calculate Fast Fourier Transforms in perl
  • p5-Math-Fibonacci Fibonacci numbers
  • p5-Math-Fibonacci-Phi calculates Phi and phi for Fibonacci numbers
  • p5-Math-GMP high speed arbitrary-size integer math
  • p5-Math-GMPf perl interface to GMP floating point functions
  • p5-Math-GMPz perl interface to GMP integer functions
  • p5-Math-Int128 manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
  • p5-Math-Int64 manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
  • p5-Math-MatrixReal implement the data type "matrix of reals"
  • p5-Math-Prime-Util utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves
  • p5-Math-Prime-Util-GMP utilities related to prime numbers, using GMP
  • p5-Math-Random-ISAAC interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
  • p5-Math-Round Perl extension for rounding numbers
  • p5-Math-Spline cubic spline interpolation of data
  • p5-Math-Symbolic symbolic calculations for Perl
  • p5-Math-SymbolicX-ParserExtensionFactory generate Math::Symbolic parser extensions
  • p5-Math-Utils useful mathematical functions not in Perl
  • p5-Math-VecStat provides basic statistics on numerical vectors
  • p5-Number-WithError numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
  • p5-Set-IntSpan manage sets of integers
  • p5-Statistics-CaseResampling efficient resampling and calculation of medians
  • p5-Statistics-Contingency calculate precision, recall, F1, accuracy, etc
  • p5-Statistics-Descriptive basic descriptive statistical functions
  • pari number theory-oriented computer algebra system
  • pcalc command line util for doing hex/dec/oct/bin math quickly
  • plplot advanced 2D and 3D scientific plotting library
  • pspp program for statistical analysis of sampled data
  • py-PyWavelets wavelet transform module
  • py-affine matrices describing affine transformation of the plane
  • py-bottleneck fast NumPy array functions written in C
  • py-cftime time and date handling utility functions from netcdf4-python
  • py-contourpy library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids
  • py-cvxopt convex optimization package
  • py-cvxpy modeling language for convex optimization problems
  • py-datedelta date arithmetic for Python
  • py-ecos Python interface to ECOS
  • py-gmpy2 interface to GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC for Python
  • py-graphviz simple Python interface for Graphviz
  • py-h5py pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format
  • py-mpmath library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
  • py-netcdf4 Python interface to the netCDF C library
  • py-networkx module for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
  • py-numexpr fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy
  • py-numpy fast array and numeric programming library for Python
  • py-oldest-supported-numpy pypi meta-package to depend on numpy
  • py-osqp Python interface to OSQP
  • py-pandas data analysis and manipulation library
  • py-patsy Python package for describing statistical models
  • py-pysmt library for SMT formulae manipulation and solving
  • py-scikit-image image processing routines for SciPy
  • py-scikit-learn set of python modules for machine learning and data mining
  • py-scipy maths, science and engineering modules for Python
  • py-scs Python interface to SCS
  • py-snuggs snuggs are s-expressions for numpy
  • py-sympy computer algebra system (CAS) in Python
  • py-tables Python package to manage extremely large amounts of data
  • py2-numpy fast array and numeric programming library for Python 2
  • qhull computing the convex hull
  • qrupdate library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions
  • rstudio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R
  • sc curses spreadsheet-calculator program
  • spread-sheet-widget spread sheet widget library
  • suitesparse suite of sparse matrix algorithms
  • superlu library for solving sparse linear equation systems
  • udunits library to manipulate units of physical quantities
  • veusz scientific plotting and graphing package
  • visidata console-based multitool to explore and arrange tabular data
  • wcalc natural-expression command-line calculator
  • wmcalc wm-dockapp; simple four-function calculator
  • wxMaxima wxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system maxima
  • yorick interpreted language for scientific computing
  • z3 Z3 theorem prover