Subfolders (7)
Ports (563)
- TclXML XML parser for Tcl
- amber code search and replace tool
- antiword converts MSWord Documents to ASCII Text and PostScript
- apertium rule-based machine translation platform
- apertium-anaphora apertium module implementing anaphora resolution
- apertium-lex-tools module for compiling and processing lexical rules
- apertium-recursive recursive structural transfer module for apertium
- apertium-regtest regression testing system for apertium data and tools
- apertium-separable reorder separable/discontinuous multiwords
- apertium-streamparser apertium stream format parser
- arabica XML and HTML processing toolkit
- argparse-manpage build manual page from python's ArgumentParser object
- asciidoc text document format for writing documents and man pages
- asciidoctor better AsciiDoc text proc/publishing software
- asciinema terminal session recorder
- bibelot format/convert text documents into compressed .pdb files
- bibtex2html collection of tools for translating from BibTeX to HTML
- boust boustrophedon text reader
- c2html C-language sources to HTML converter
- calibre ebook management application
- catdoc convert MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint to ASCII or TeX
- catfish versatile file searching tool
- cdiff inline and side-by-side colored and incremental diff
- chordpro lyrics and chords formatting program
- clit convert Microsoft Reader files to OEBPS packages
- clo++ command line parser generator
- cloc count lines of code
- clucene full-text search engine library
- cmark CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
- codesearch fast, indexed regexp search over large file trees
- codespell source code spelling checker
- crossfire CrossFire crossword constructor
- crunch wordlist generator
- csvquote filter for csv data containing delimiters and newlines
- dblatex convert DocBook to LaTeX, DVI, PostScript, and PDF
- delta viewer for git and diff output
- der-ascii convert between ASN.1 encodings and text
- dialect translation app for GNOME
- diction sentence grammar and readability analyzer
- diffstat accumulates and displays statistics from a diff file
- ding dictionary lookup program for X11
- discount fast C implementation of Markdown
- docbook technical documentation XML/SGML definitions
- docbook-dsssl modular DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD
- docbook-to-man convert docbook to man
- docbook-utils generates various output formats from DocBook SGML documents
- docbook-xsl docbook XSL modular stylesheet
- docbook2mdoc DocBook to mdoc converter
- docbook2x convert DocBook to man pages and Texinfo
- doclifter troff to DocBook converter
- docx2txt command line converter from Microsoft docx to ASCII text
- ebook-tools accessing and converting various ebook file formats
- enchant generic spell checking library
- enchant2 generic spell checking library
- epubcheck EPUB validator
- exempi implementation of XMP
- extract_url extract URLs from MIME email messages or plain text
- fcbanner fontconfig-based alternative to banner(1)
- filepp cpp-like generic file pre-processor
- foliate simple and modern GTK eBook viewer
- fragistics Quake 3 statistics program
- fstrcmp library for fuzzy string comparisons
- fzy fuzzy text selector for the terminal
- gdiff GNU versions of the diff utilities
- gi-docgen documentation generator for GObject-based libraries
- goldendict-ng next generation GoldenDict
- gpresent make presentations with groff and PDF
- grepcidr filter files for IP address matches
- grepcidr3 filter files for IP address matches
- groff GNU troff typesetter
- gron make JSON greppable
- gsed GNU stream editor
- gspell spell-checking library for GTK+
- gtk-doc GTK C code documentation system
- gtkspell gtk+2 spelling checker
- gtkspell3 gtk+3 spelling checker
- gtranslator gettext(1) files editor for GNOME
- halibut yet another free document preparation system
- heirloom-doctools modernized troff implementation
- hevea LaTeX to html translator
- hexyl simple console hex viewer
- hfst Helsinki finite state transducer
- hgrep grep wrapper with search highlighting
- highlight convert source code to markup formats
- hotdoc documentation tool micro-framework
- html all W3C-published SGML DTDs for HTML
- html-xml-utils simple utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files
- htmlq like jq, but for HTML
- hunspell spelling, stemming, morphological analysis and generation
- hyperestraier high performance full-text search system
- hyperscan high-performance regular expression matching library
- hyphen text hyphenation library
- icu4c International Components for Unicode
- idiff interactive front end to diff
- igor FreeBSD Documentation Project sanity check script
- iksemel XML parser designed for Jabber applications
- info2html translate GNU info files into HTML pages
- intltool internationalization tools
- isearch text search engine by CNIDR
- iso12083 SGML DTDs from The Electronic Publishing SIG
- iso8879 character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
- ispell interactive spelling checker
- itstool translate XML documents with PO files
- jless JSON viewer
- jo JSON output from a shell
- jq lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
- ktextaddons various text handling addons
- latex2html LaTeX to HTML converter
- latexmk LaTeX documents output generation automation tool
- lgrind LaTeX vgrind(1) look-alike
- libebml Extensible Binary Meta Language library
- libexttextcat UTF-8 aware language guessing library
- libgrapheme unicode string library
- libical implementation of the iCalendar protocols and data units
- liblrdf light RDF manipulation with LADSPA plugin support
- libmarisa C++ library for MARISA matching algorithm
- libnxml XML manipulation library
- librevenge base library for writing document import filters
- libstemmer stemming algorithms for text processing
- libtextcat language guessing library
- libtranslate library/CLI tool interfacing to online translation services
- libunibreak implementation of the line and word breaking
- libuninameslist library of Unicode names and annotation data
- libwpd import and export WordPerfect(tm) documents
- libxml XML parsing library
- libxml++ C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library
- libxml++40 C++ bindings for libxml2
- libxml++50 C++ bindings for libxml2
- libxmlb library to help create and query binary XML blobs
- libxslt XSLT C Library for GNOME
- link-grammar syntactic parser of different languages
- loccount count lines of codes in many languages
- lowdown simple markdown translator
- lq-sp SGML parser and entity manager
- lttoolbox finite-state lexical processing toolkit
- lua-cosmo safe templates engine for Lua
- lua-lunamark Lua module for conversion between markup formats
- lua-lustache implementation of the mustache template system in Lua
- lua-markdown Markdown markup system implementation in pure Lua
- lua-yaml Lua library for parsing and emitting YAML
- luaexpat lua library for the expat XML parser
- luceneplusplus C++ port of the Java Lucene library, the text search engine
- makefaq Python program to create FAQ's list from formatted data file
- mdbook create books from markdown files
- mdp command-line based markdown presentation tool
- meld graphical diff and merge tool
- mgdiff graphical front end to Unix diff
- miller name-indexed data processing tool
- misspell correct commonly misspelled English words in source files
- multimarkdown marked-up plain text to formatted document converter
- mupdf graphic library, pdf parser, viewer and utilities
- mxml minimal XML library
- namazu small to medium scale full-text search engine
- naturaldocs multi-language source code documentation generator
- nfoview simple viewer for NFO files
- nlohmann-json JSON for modern C++
- odt2txt convert OpenDocument Text to plain text
- oniguruma regular expressions library
- openjade object-oriented DSSSL engine
- opensearch distributed and RESTful search engine
- opensp object-oriented SGML parser
- ots open source tool for summarizing texts
- p5-Blatte text macro/markup/template language
- p5-CGI-FastTemplate manages templates and performs variable interpolation
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Markdown persistent Markdown processor for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Textile Textile for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode unicode-aware catalyst (old style)
- p5-Catalyst-View-TT Template Toolkit views for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-View-TT-ForceUTF8 catalyst TT views with explicit UTF8 encoding (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-View-TT-FunctionGenerator use shorter names in catalyst tt views (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-View-XSLT XSLT Views for catalyst
- p5-Data-Password module for assessing password quality
- p5-Email-Find Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
- p5-Encode-Detect Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
- p5-Encode-HanExtra extra sets of Chinese encodings
- p5-Encode-Locale determine the locale encoding
- p5-File-KDBX interface to KeePass KDB and KDBX database files
- p5-File-KeePass interface to KeePass V1 and V2 database files
- p5-Font-AFM perl interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
- p5-Font-TTF perl module for TrueType font hacking
- p5-HTML-Summary summarize HTML pages
- p5-LaTeX-Driver driver to format LaTeX documents
- p5-LaTeX-Encode encode characters for LaTeX formatting
- p5-LaTeX-Pod transform LaTeX source files to POD
- p5-LaTeX-TOM parse, analyze and manipulate LaTeX documents
- p5-LaTeXML LaTeX to XML/HTML/MathML Converter
- p5-Libxml perl module collection for working with XML
- p5-Lingua-EN-Fathom measure readability of English text
- p5-Lingua-EN-FindNumber locate (written) numbers in English text
- p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect convert singular to plural, select a or an
- p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number force number of words to singular or plural
- p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase inflect short English Phrases
- p5-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal
- p5-Lingua-EN-Sentence module to split text into sentences
- p5-Lingua-EN-Summarize summarize english text
- p5-Lingua-EN-Syllable outine for estimating syllable count in words
- p5-Lingua-EN-Tagger part-of-speech tagger for EN natural language processing
- p5-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums convert English text to numbers
- p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer Portuguese language stemming
- p5-Lingua-Stem stemming of words
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr French language stemming
- p5-Lingua-Stem-It Italian language stemming
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru Russian language stemming
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se Porters stemming algorithm for Sweden
- p5-Lingua-Treebank manifulate the Penn Treebank format
- p5-List-SomeUtils provide the stuff missing in List::Util
- p5-List-SomeUtils-XS XS implementation for List::SomeUtils
- p5-List-Util-WeightedChoice extension to allow for nonnormalized weighted choices
- p5-List-UtilsBy higher-order list utility functions
- p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-TtRenderer Template Renderer Plugin for Mojolicious
- p5-Number-Format Perl extension for formatting numbers
- p5-Object-MultiType Perl Objects as Hash, Array and Scalar at the same time
- p5-PDF-API2 create PDF documents with perl
- p5-PDF-API2-Simple simple wrapper for PDF::API2 module
- p5-PDF-API2-XS XS module to speed some PDF::API2 operations
- p5-PDF-Reuse perl module for manipulating PDF files
- p5-PDF-Table create PDF tables with perl
- p5-POE-Filter-XML POE Filter for parsing XML
- p5-PPI parse, analyze and manipulate Perl
- p5-PPI-HTML parse, analyze and manipulate Perl
- p5-PPIx-QuoteLike parse Perl string literals and string-literal-like things
- p5-PPIx-Regexp parse regular expressions
- p5-PPIx-Utils utility functions for PPI
- p5-PatchReader utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
- p5-PerlIO-utf8_strict fast and correct UTF-8 IO
- p5-Pod-Cpandoc perldoc that works for modules you don't have installed
- p5-Pod-LaTeX convert pod documentation to latex format
- p5-Pod-Markdown convert POD to Markdown
- p5-Pod-POM convert Pod documents into a simple object model form
- p5-Pod-Parser modules for parsing/translating POD format documents
- p5-Pod-Spell formatter for spellchecking pod
- p5-Pod-Tests extracts embedded tests and code examples from pod
- p5-RSS-Parser-Lite simple and pure Perl RSS parser
- p5-Regexp-Assemble assemble multiple Regular Expressions into a single RE
- p5-Regexp-Common provide commonly requested regular expressions
- p5-Regexp-DefaultFlags set default flags on regular expressions
- p5-SWISH-API Perl interface to the swish-e C library
- p5-Search-QueryParser parses a query string suitable for external search engines
- p5-Sort-Versions sorting of revision-like numbers
- p5-Sourcecode-Spellchecker perl module for spell-checking source code
- p5-String-Approx module for approximate matching
- p5-String-CamelCase camelcase, de-camelcase
- p5-String-Escape backslash escapes, quoted phrase, word elision, etc
- p5-String-Koremutake memorable random strings
- p5-String-Random perl module for generating randoms strings
- p5-String-RewritePrefix rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
- p5-String-ShellQuote Quote strings for passing through the shell
- p5-String-Similarity calculate the similarity of two strings
- p5-String-ToIdentifier-EN convert strings to english program identifiers
- p5-String-Util string processing utility functions
- p5-Syntax-Highlight-HTML syntax highlight for HTML
- p5-Syntax-Highlight-Mason syntax highlight for Mason
- p5-Syntax-Highlight-Perl syntax highlight for perl
- p5-Template template processing system
- p5-Template-Plugin-Class template extension for calling class methods
- p5-Template-Plugin-GD GD plugin(s) for the Template Toolkit
- p5-Template-Plugin-Markdown TT plugin for Text::Markdown
- p5-Template-Plugin-Number-Format plugin/filter interface to Number::Format
- p5-Template-Provider-Encoding explicit encoding for Template Toolkit
- p5-Template-Timer rudimentary profiling module for Template Toolkit
- p5-Template-Tiny Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible
- p5-Text-ASCIIMathML perl extension for parsing ASCIIMathML text into MathML
- p5-Text-Affixes prefixes and suffixes analisys of text
- p5-Text-Aligner justify strings to various alignment styles
- p5-Text-Aspell interface to the GNU aspell library
- p5-Text-Autoformat automatic text wrapping and reformatting
- p5-Text-CSV comma-separated values manipulator routines
- p5-Text-CSV-Hashify turn a CSV file into a Perl hash
- p5-Text-CSV_XS Comma-Separated Values manipulation routines
- p5-Text-CharWidth get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
- p5-Text-Diff perform diffs on files and record sets
- p5-Text-Diff-HTML XHTML format for Text::Diff::Unified
- p5-Text-DoubleMetaphone implementation of a "sounds like" algorithm
- p5-Text-Flow flexible text flowing and word wrapping
- p5-Text-Format various subroutines to format text
- p5-Text-German German grundform reduction
- p5-Text-Glob match globbing patterns against text
- p5-Text-LevenshteinXS perl implementation of Levenshtein edit distance
- p5-Text-Markdown convert Markdown syntax to (X)HTML
- p5-Text-MultiMarkdown convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
- p5-Text-PDF perl modules for creating and manipulating PDF
- p5-Text-Quoted extract the structure of a quoted mail message
- p5-Text-RecordParser parse records in CSV-like formats
- p5-Text-Reflow module for reflowing text files
- p5-Text-Reform perl module to formating plaintext
- p5-Text-SimpleTable simple eyecandy ASCII Tables
- p5-Text-Soundex implementation of the soundex algorithm
- p5-Text-Table organize data in tables
- p5-Text-TabularDisplay render tabular data as plain text
- p5-Text-Tags parses 'folksonomy' space-separated tags
- p5-Text-Template expand template text with embedded perl
- p5-Text-Textile converts simple text to web constructs
- p5-Text-Thread convert tree structured items into ascii tree items
- p5-Text-Tmpl very fast Perl templating library
- p5-Text-Unidecode US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
- p5-Text-WikiFormat translate Wiki formatted text into other formats
- p5-Text-WordDiff module to diff based on word, not lines
- p5-Text-Wrapper simple word wrapping routine
- p5-Text-vCard read, write, and edit vCard address books
- p5-WML-Card perl module to create WML cards
- p5-XML-AutoWriter module for DOCTYPE based XML output
- p5-XML-Checker perl module for validating XML
- p5-XML-DOM perl module to build DOM Level 1 structures
- p5-XML-DOM-XPath extension to add XPath support to XML::DOM
- p5-XML-Dumper Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
- p5-XML-Elemental generic classes for simplistic handling of XML data
- p5-XML-Filter-BufferText collate XML character events in one chunk
- p5-XML-Filter-ExceptionLocator add line information to XML parse errors
- p5-XML-Generator perl extension for generating XML
- p5-XML-LibXML perl binding for libxml2
- p5-XML-LibXSLT interface to the GNOME libxslt library
- p5-XML-Literal embed XML directly into perl
- p5-XML-NamespaceSupport perl module to the SAX2 NamespaceSupport class
- p5-XML-Parser perl module for parsing XML documents
- p5-XML-Parser-Lite lightweight regexp-based XML parser
- p5-XML-RAI RSS Abstraction Interface
- p5-XML-RSS perl module to manage XML RSS files
- p5-XML-RSS-Parser liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds
- p5-XML-RSS-Timing figure out when to fetch RSS Feeds
- p5-XML-RSS-TimingBot efficiently fetch RSS feeds
- p5-XML-RSSLite lightweight, 'relaxed' RSS (and XML-ish) parser
- p5-XML-RegExp Provide regular expressions for some XML tokens
- p5-XML-SAX framework for the Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters and drivers
- p5-XML-SAX-Base base class for SAX drivers and filters
- p5-XML-SAX-Expat SAX2 driver based on expat
- p5-XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental subclass for non-blocking (incremental) parsing
- p5-XML-SAX-ExpatXS SAX2 driver directly based on expat
- p5-XML-SAX-Writer SAX2 writer
- p5-XML-SemanticDiff compare XML documents
- p5-XML-Simple trivial perl API for reading/writing XML
- p5-XML-Smart access/create XML files/datas easily
- p5-XML-Stream creates and XML Stream connection and parses return data
- p5-XML-Tidy tidy indenting of XML documents
- p5-XML-TreePP pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing XML documents
- p5-XML-Twig perl module for parsing huge XML documents
- p5-XML-Validator-Schema validate XML schema using SAX
- p5-XML-Writer perl extension for writing XML documents
- p5-XML-XPath parse and evaluate XPath statements
- p5-XML-XPathEngine re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
- p5-XML-XSLT perl module to perform XSLT transformations
- p5-XML-XSPF parser and generator for XSPF playlists
- p5-XString isolated String helpers from B
- p5-ack grep like tool, aimed at programmers
- p5-sdf simple document format
- p5-tkispell Perl/Tk graphical user interface to GNU ispell
- palm-bookmarks bookmarks on your palm
- pandoc convert between markup and document formats
- par paragraph reflow for email
- pastel command line tool to manipulate colors
- patchutils small tools to operate on patch files
- pdf4tcl library for generating PDF documents for Tcl
- pdfgrep tool to search text in PDF files
- pdfpc presenter console with multi-monitor support
- pdftk pdf swiss army knife
- pecl-yaml YAML-1.1 parser and emitter for PHP
- pinfo info viewer with lynx-style navigation
- pod2mdoc convert POD data to mdoc input
- podofo library and tools to modify and parse PDF documents
- pplatex pretty print LaTeX messages
- pugixml light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++
- pup command line tool to filter HTML with CSS selectors
- py-ICU Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
- py-MarkupSafe implements an XML/HTML/XHTML markup safe string
- py-PEG2 PEG Parser-Interpreter in Python
- py-PyPDF2 PDF Python toolkit
- py-alabaster configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
- py-bashlex Python port of the parser used internally by GNU bash
- py-black Python code formatter
- py-bracex brace expanding library
- py-canonicaljson canonical JSON
- py-cchardet high speed universal character encoding detector
- py-chardet character encoding auto-detection in Python
- py-charset-normalizer character set detector library
- py-colored simple library for color and formatting in terminal
- py-coloredlogs colored terminal output for Python's logging module
- py-commonmark parser for the CommonMark markdown spec
- py-confuse painless YAML configuration
- py-cson parser for Coffeescript Object Notation (CSON)
- py-css-parser python package for parsing and building CSS
- py-cssselect parse CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
- py-cssselect2 implementation of CSS4 Selectors
- py-cssutils parse and build CSS from Python
- py-dateparser parse dates from HTML pages
- py-defusedxml XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules
- py-demjson encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON
- py-dict2xml small utility to convert a Python dictionary into an XML
- py-dicttoxml convert dicts and other data types into XML
- py-diff-match-patch high-performance diff and patch library
- py-docutils process plaintext documentation into other formats
- py-elasticsearch Python client for Elasticsearch
- py-elementpath xpath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for elementtree
- py-emoji emoji for Python
- py-enchant spellchecking library for Python
- py-et_xmlfile low memory library for creating large XML files
- py-fastjsonschema fast Python implementation of JSON schema
- py-feedparser RSS and Atom feeds parser written in Python
- py-gTTS Google Translate text-to-speech API library and CLI tool
- py-humanfriendly human-friendly output for Python text interfaces
- py-humanize python number humanization utilities
- py-ijson iterative JSON parser
- py-inflect correctly generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, etc
- py-inflection singularizes and pluralizes English words
- py-ini2toml convert .ini/.cfg files to TOML equivalents
- py-iniconfig brain-dead simple config-ini parsing
- py-iso8601 Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates
- py-jaraco-text handy routines for dealing with text
- py-jellyfish Python library for approximate and phonetic string matching
- py-jsonpatch library to apply JSON Patches according to RFC 6902
- py-jsonpointer library to resolve JSON Pointers according to RFC 6901
- py-jupyterlab_pygments pygments theme using jupyterlab CSS variables
- py-lark parsing toolkit for python
- py-license-expression parse, normalize and compare License expressions
- py-lxml Python binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
- py-markdown text-to-HTML conversion tool
- py-markdown-it markdown parsing for Python, port of markdown-it
- py-mdurl URL utilities for markdown-it parser
- py-mistune markdown parser for Python
- py-natsort simple yet flexible natural sorting
- py-nltk Natural Language ToolKit
- py-numpydoc Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format
- py-odfpy Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files
- py-ofxparse parser for the Open Financial Exchange file format
- py-openpyxl Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files
- py-pandocfilters utilities for writing pandoc filters
- py-patiencediff Python implementation of the patiencediff algorithm
- py-pdfminer PDF parser and analyzer
- py-podcastparser simple, fast and efficient podcast parser
- py-polib Python library to manipulate gettext files
- py-precis_i18n internationalized usernames and passwords
- py-prettytable Python library for pretty-printing tabular data
- py-pyRFC3339 format dates according to RFC3339
- py-pyaml module to produce pretty and readable YAML
- py-pygfm GitHub Flavored Markdown extension
- py-pygments Python syntax highlighter
- py-pykwalify lib/cli for JSON/YAML schema validation
- py-pypandoc Python wrapper for pandoc
- py-pyphen pure-Python hyphenation library
- py-rebulk define simple search patterns in bulk to perform
- py-recommonmark markdown parser for docutils
- py-rst2ansi convert rst to ansi-decorated console output
- py-ruamel.yaml YAML 1.2 loader/dumper package for Python
- py-ruamel.yaml.clib C based reader/scanner and emitter for ruamel.yaml
- py-semver python helper for Semantic Versioning
- py-signedjson sign JSON with Ed25519 signatures
- py-smartypants translate ASCII punctuation characters into smart entities
- py-snowballstemmer snowball stemming library collection for Python
- py-spdx SPDX license list database
- py-spdx-lookup SPDX license list query tool
- py-sphinx Python documentation generator
- py-sphinx-automodapi auto-generate API documentation for entire modules in Sphinx
- py-sphinx-intl internationalization helper for Sphinx
- py-sphinx-notfound-page Sphinx extension to build a 404 page with absolute URLs
- py-sphinx_guzzle_theme sphinx theme used by guzzle
- py-sphinx_rtd_theme readthedocs.org theme for Sphinx
- py-stache Python implementation of Mustache templating system
- py-stemmer snowball stemming algorithms, for information retrieval
- py-textdistance compute distance between texts
- py-textfsm parse semi-structured text into Python table
- py-tinycss2 tiny CSS parser
- py-toml Python library for "Tom's Obvious Minimal Language"
- py-tomli lil' TOML parser
- py-tomli_w lil' TOML writer
- py-tomlkit style-preserving TOML library for Python
- py-typogrify filters to enhance web typography
- py-ujson fast Python json encoder/decoder
- py-unicodecsv drop-in replace for csv with unicode support
- py-unidecode US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
- py-unpaddedbase64 Python module implementing Base64 without "=" padding
- py-vobject iCalendar library for Python
- py-webencodings character encoding aliases for legacy web content
- py-whatthepatch high-performance diff and patch library
- py-xlrd extract data from xls spreadsheet files
- py-xlwt create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 95-2003
- py-xmldiff show differences between XML files/DOM trees
- py-xmlschema an XML Schema validator and decoder
- py-xmltodict makes working with XML feel like orking with JSON
- py-yaml YAML parser and emitter in Python
- py-yamlordereddictloader loader and dumper for PyYAML allowing keeping items order
- qpdfview tabbed DjVu/PDF/PS document viewer
- qxlsx MS Excel file reader/writer library
- rapidjson fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with SAX/DOM style API
- raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
- rasqal RDF Query Library for Redland
- re2 non-backtracking regular expression engine
- recutils tools to access human-editable plaintext record files
- redland high-level interface for RDF
- redland-bindings Redland librdf Perl Bindings
- riff diff tool highlighting which parts of lines have changed
- ripgrep line oriented search tool using Rust's regex library
- rman reverse compile man pages from formatted form
- rubber wrapper for LaTeX and friends
- ruby-commonmarker ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate
- ruby-erubi simplified fork of Erubis
- ruby-erubis implementation of eRuby
- ruby-fast-stemmer fast Porter stemmer for ruby
- ruby-fast_xs provides fast methods for escaping text
- ruby-hpricot flexible HTML parser
- ruby-hyperestraier Ruby interface to hyperestraier
- ruby-mustache logic-free template language
- ruby-nokogiri HTML, XML, SAX and Reader parser
- ruby-rdiscount discount implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
- ruby-redcarpet fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
- ruby-redcloth module for using Textile in Ruby
- ruby-rinku fast and very smart autolinking library for ruby
- ruby-ronn builds man pages
- ruby-rouge pure-ruby code highlighter compatible with pygments
- ruby-text collection of text algorithms
- ruby-unf_ext unicode normalization form support library for Ruby
- rxp validating namespace-aware XML parser
- sablotron fast, compact and portable XSL/XSLT processor
- scdoc convert scdoc text files to man(7) pages
- sim tests lexical similarity in texts
- simpleini simple API to read and write INI-style configuration files
- solr full-text search engine based on Lucene
- source-highlight create a document with syntax highlighting
- sp OO toolkit for SGML parsing and entity management
- sphinx free open-source SQL full-text search engine
- spiff very flexible diff-like program
- stringtemplate Java template engine for generating source code, etc
- svndumptool processing subversion dump files
- swish-e web/text search engine
- sword Crosswire's Bible study utility
- syrics fetch lyrics from spotify
- tcpdf PHP class for generating PDF documents
- tdom fast XML/DOM/XPath/XSLT/HTML/JSON extension for Tcl
- terraform-docs documentation generator for Terraform
- texi2html texinfo to HTML converter
- texi2mdoc convert Texinfo data to mdoc input
- the_silver_searcher code searching tool, with a focus on speed (ag)
- tinyxml simple and small C++ XML parser
- tinyxml2 simple, small and efficient C++ XML parser
- tre lightweight regexp matching library with additional features
- tree-sitter parser generator tool and incremental parsing library
- txt2man convert ASCII text to man page
- txt2tags utility to turn simply formatted text into markup
- uchardet universal charset detection library and tool
- uncrustify source code beautifier
- uni query the unicode database from the commandline
- unrtf RTF document converter
- urlscan terminal URL viewer (urlview replacement)
- urlview curses-based URL ripper
- validate HTML, XHTML validator
- vgrind grind nice listings of programs
- vislcg3 constraint grammar formalism variant
- wdg-sgml-lib collection of HTML, XHTML, ISO-HTML, WML and MathML DTDs
- wdiff word differences between text files
- wkhtmltopdf convert HTML to PDF using Webkit
- xerces-c validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++
- xlsx2csv convert XLSX files to CSV
- xml2rfc convert memos written in XML to the RFC format
- xmlcatmgr small utility used to manipulate SGML and XML catalogs
- xmlstarlet command line XML toolkit
- xmlto front-end for converting XML files to various formats
- xmlwf verifies XML documents
- xpdf PDF viewer for X11
- xpdf3 PDF viewer for X11
- xxdiff graphical file comparator and merge tool
- yould generator for pronounceable random words
- yq jq wrapper for YAML/XML documents
- zoem interpretive macro/programming language