Subfolders (5)
Ports (342)
- DevIL library for powerful image loading capabilities
- GraphicsMagick image processing tools with stable ABI
- ImageMagick image processing tools
- aalib ascii art library
- agg anti-grain geometry graphics library
- alembic open framework for storing and sharing scene data
- allegropng game programming library for C/C++ developers
- animorph morphing engine
- ansilove ansi and ascii art to png converter
- arcan powerful display server and multimedia framework
- aspect-crop crop tool for xwallpaper(1)
- asymptote powerful descriptive vector graphics language
- autopano-sift-c identify control points from groups of overlapping images
- azpainter full color painting software for illustrations
- babl dynamic pixel format conversion library
- barcode convert text strings to printed bars
- blender 3D creation software
- bonzomatic tool for live-coding pixel shaders
- cadubi ASCII drawing utility
- cairo vector graphics library
- cairomm C++ interface for cairo
- cairomm16 C++ interface for cairo
- cal3d skeletal based character animation library
- cfdg Context Free Design Grammar
- cgif GIF encoder written in C
- chafa character art facsimile generator
- colord device color profile management daemon
- colord-gtk Gtk helper library for colord
- colorexplorer tool for exploring the color space and relations
- cstitch convert images to cross stitch patterns
- ctl Color Transformation Language interpreter
- darktable virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
- dcmtk DICOM toolkit
- dcraw digital camera RAW format conversion tool
- decker multimedia platform inspired by HyperCard
- delaboratory color correction utility for digital images
- dia technical diagrams drawing tool
- dibuja simple to use paint program
- digikam KDE digital photo and video management utility
- displaz viewer for geospatial point clouds
- djview4 portable DjVu viewer and browser plugin
- djvulibre view, decode and encode DjVu files
- dmtx-utils tools for handling data matrix barcodes
- dpic pic-like interpreter for producing line graphics
- drawpile collaborative drawing program
- dumpmpeg dump frames from mpeg-1 movies
- dvdrip full featured DVD copy program
- enblend-enfuse blend seams in panoramic image mosaics
- evince GNOME document viewer
- exiftran command line utility to transform jpeg files
- exiv2 image metadata manipulation
- farbfeld lossless, uncompressed graphics format
- fcft small font loading and glyph rasterization library
- feh lightweight image viewer
- ffmpeg audio/video converter and streamer
- ffmpegthumbnailer lightweight video thumbnailer for file managers
- flameshot powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
- fotowall Pictures collage & creativity tool
- freeglut open source alternative to glut
- freeimage c++ library for common image format
- fswebcam fswebcam is a small and simple webcam app
- ftgl font rendering library for OpenGL applications
- fyre tool for producing computational artwork
- gd library for dynamic creation of images
- gdk-pixbuf-xlib deprecated API for integrating Xlib and GdkPixbuf
- gdk-pixbuf2 image data transformation library
- geeqie lightweight Gtk+3 based image viewer
- gegl04 graph based image processing framework (API version 0.4)
- geomview geometry viewer for OOGL file formats
- gfract fractal program with GTK interface
- gif2png converts GIF images to the PNG format
- giflib tools and library routines for working with GIF images
- gifsicle creating & editing GIF images and animations
- giftrans handle GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode
- glad multi-language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL loader-generator
- gle OpenGL Extrusion library
- glew GL Extension Wrangler library
- glfw open source, multi-platform library for creating windows
- glm C++ mathematics header-only library for OpenGL software
- glpng load PNG graphics files and bind them to an OpenGL texture
- glslang reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL
- gmic image processing framework
- gmt draw maps and charts
- gnofract4d fractal image generator
- gocr OCR software
- gphoto2 digital camera command-line interface
- gpicview simple and fast image viewer for X11
- gprof2dot convert profilers output into a dot(1) graph
- gracula graphic counter language compiler/interpreter
- grafx2 bitmap paint program inspired by Deluxe Paint and Brilliance
- grap language for typesetting graphs
- graphene thin layer of graphic data types
- graphite2 rendering for complex writing systems
- gthumb image viewer and browser for GNOME
- gtkam digital camera frontend
- gtkimageview image viewer widget for gtk
- hugin panorama image stitcher
- icoutils extractor and converter for .ico and .cur files
- iec16022 2D barcodes / DataMatrix creation tool
- img2pdf losslessly convert images to PDF
- imlib2 image manipulation library
- imv simple image viewer
- indexpage generate index pages for displaying images
- inkscape SVG vector drawing application
- ipe extensible drawing editor
- iview image viewer for X
- jasper reference implementation of JPEG-2000
- jbig2dec decoder for JBIG2 monochrome hi-res image compression format
- jbigkit lossless image compression library, with lightweight version
- jhead Exif jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover
- jpeg SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec replacement of libjpeg
- jpeg2ps convert jpeg to compressed PostScript
- jpegdump dump raw jpeg exif information
- jpeginfo prints information and tests integrity of JPEG files
- jpegoptim utility to optimize jpeg files
- jpegpixi jpeg pixel interpolator
- kcolorpicker qt-based color picker with popup menu
- kdiagram libraries for creating business diagrams
- kimageannotator tool for annotating images
- kirigami-addons add-ons for the kirigami frameworks
- kplot library for plotting graphs on cairo surfaces
- kquickimageeditor KDE image editing components
- krita advanced drawing and image manipulation
- krita-gmic-plugin krita gmic plugin
- ksnip screenshot tool with annotations features
- l2p create PNG images from LaTeX expressions
- lcms color management library
- lcms2 color management library
- lensfun library to adjust for photographic lens characteristics
- leptonica image processing and analysis library
- libansilove library for converting ANSI, ASCII, and other formats to PNG
- libart high-performance 2D graphics library
- libavif library for encoding and decoding .avif files
- libcaca color ascii art library
- libdmtx library for handling data matrix barcodes
- libdvbpsi library for decoding/generating MPEG TS/DVB PSI tables
- libexif extract digital camera info tags from JPEG images
- libexif-gtk gtk+2 interface to libexif
- libgexiv2 GObject wrapper around exiv2
- libgphoto2 digital camera library
- libgxps GObject library for handling and rendering XPS documents
- libimagequant image quantization library
- libiptcdata library for manipulating IPTC metadata
- libjxl JPEG XL image format reference implementation
- libliftoff lightweight KMS plane library
- liblqr seam-carving smart rescale library
- libmng Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
- libmpeg2 free MPEG-2 video stream decoder
- libmypaint library for making brushstrokes
- libpano13 library for processing panoramic images
- libpgf PGF image format handling library
- libplacebo reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering
- libqrencode library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol
- libraw library for reading RAW files
- librtprocess RawTherapee algorithms as a library
- libsixel encoder/decoder implementation for DEC SIXEL graphics
- libspiro simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves
- libspng simple PNG decoding and encoding library
- libvidcap video capture library
- libvips fast image processing library with low memory needs
- libwebp Google WebP image format conversion tool
- libwmf WMF handling and conversion library
- libxmi library for rasterizing 2-D vector graphics
- lsys intepreter for Lindenmayer-systems
- luagd gd binding for the lua language
- luvcview V4L compatible video application
- maim desktop screenshot utility (make image)
- makehuman parametrical modeling of 3D humanoid characters
- mandelbulber 3D fractal renderer
- mapivi image viewer and organizer
- mapnik toolkit for developing mapping applications
- mhgui GUI widget library used in MakeHuman
- mpeg-lib collection of C routines to decode MPEG movies
- mpeg_encode UCB's MPEG-I video stream encoder
- mscgen utility to create Message Sequence Charts
- mtpaint simple GTK+3 raster painting program
- mypaint raster graphics editor for digital painters
- mypaint-brushes brushes used by software using libmypaint
- mypaint-brushes2 brushes used by software using libmypaint
- nanosvg simple stupid SVG parser
- netpbm toolkit for manipulation and conversion of graphic images
- nomacs small and fast Qt image viewer
- nsxiv neo simple X Image Viewer
- ocaml-cairo binding to cairo, a 2D vector graphics library
- ocaml-graphics graphics library providing basic drawing primitives
- ocrad OCR program for pnm/PNG files
- openbsd-backgrounds pictures for your background by OpenBSD developers
- opencolorio color management library
- opencsg constructive solid geometry rendering library
- opencv library for computer vision real-time processing
- openexr high dynamic range image format
- openimageio library for reading and writing images
- openjp2 open-source JPEG 2000 codec library
- openscenegraph 3D graphics toolkit
- opensubdiv open-source subdivision surface library
- openvdb tools for storage and manipulation of volumetric data
- optipng lossless PNG optimizer
- oxipng multithreaded lossless PNG compression optimizer
- p5-Barcode-DataMatrix generate data for Data Matrix (IEC16022) barcodes
- p5-Barcode-DataMatrix-PNG format Data Matrix (IEC16022) barcodes as PNG
- p5-Cairo perl interface to the cairo library
- p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
- p5-Chart Charting library for Perl
- p5-Chart-Clicker powerful charting library for Perl
- p5-Color-Calc simple calculations with RGB colors
- p5-Color-Library an easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color library
- p5-Color-Scheme generate pleasant color schemes in Perl
- p5-GD Perl interface to the gd2 graphics library
- p5-GD-Barcode create barcode image with GD
- p5-GD-Graph module for graph plotting
- p5-GD-Graph3d module for 3D graph plotting
- p5-GD-SVG allow GD perl scripts to output SVG
- p5-GD-SecurityImage security image (captcha) generator
- p5-GD-TextUtil text utilities for use with GD drawing package
- p5-Geometry-Primitive primitive geometry entities for Perl
- p5-Graphics-Color RGB color model for Perl
- p5-Graphics-ColorNames defines RGB values for common color names
- p5-Graphics-ColorNames-WWW WWW color names and equivalent RGB values
- p5-Graphics-Primitive device and library agnostic graphic primitives for Perl
- p5-Graphics-Primitive-Driver-Cairo Cairo backend for Graphics::Primitive
- p5-Image-BioChrome recolor gif images on the fly
- p5-Image-EXIF interface to read EXIF tags in JPEG images
- p5-Image-ExifTool read and write meta information in image/audio/video files
- p5-Image-Imlib2 Perl interface to the Imlib2 image library
- p5-Image-Info perl module for getting image information
- p5-Image-MetaData-JPEG access and modify JPEG metadata
- p5-Image-Size module to determine the size of images in several formats
- p5-Imager generate and manipulate images
- p5-Imager-QRCode generate QR Code with Imager using libqrencode
- p5-Layout-Manager 2D layout management for Perl
- p5-SVG Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) in perl
- p5-SVG-Graph visualize your data in SVG format
- p5-Sane Perl extension for the SANE Project
- pdf2djvu creates DjVu files from PDF files
- pdfsandwich generator for sandwich OCR pdf files
- pecl-imagick PHP support for the ImageMagick library
- peek simple screen recorder
- pho lightweight image viewer
- piglit automated OpenGL and OpenCL testsuite
- pinta open source drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET
- pixelorama pixel art editor
- png library for manipulating PNG images
- png2ico convert PNG images to Windows .ico files
- pngcheck check the integrity of PNG files
- pngcrush optimizer for PNG files
- pngquant PNG compressor
- posterazor split large images into smaller ones to assemble posters
- potrace transform bitmaps into vector graphics
- povray 3D image rendering package
- pqiv command line image viewer
- pstoedit translate PostScript/PDF graphics to other vector formats
- py-Pillow Python Imaging Library (friendly fork of PIL)
- py-bdfparser BDF format bitmap font file parser library in Python
- py-blurhash python implementation of the blurhash algorithm
- py-cairo cairo bindings for Python
- py-cycler composable style cycles
- py-dot Python interface to Graphviz's Dot
- py-imageio io for scientific data formats
- py-imagesize getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file
- py-matplotlib Python charting and plotting API
- py-matplotlib-inline inline matplotlib backend for jupyter
- py-opengl Python bindings for OpenGL
- py-pygal python svg graph plotting library
- py-pyqrcode QR code generator written purely in Python
- py-pyqtgraph pure-python graphics and GUI library
- py-pyx package for creating PostScript/PDF graphics
- py-qrcode QR Code image generator
- py-sane Python SANE module
- py-seaborn statistical data visualization
- py-termcolor ANSI color formatting for output in terminal
- py-tifffile read images/metadiff and store numpy arrays in TIFF files
- py-wand ctypes-based simple MagickWand API binding for Python
- py2-Pillow Python Imaging Library (version for Python 2)
- py2-cairo cairo bindings for Python2
- pycha Python charting module
- qiv very small and pretty fast gdk/Imlib image viewer
- qr-code-generator QR Code generator library
- quesoglc implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer
- quirc QR decoder library
- radeontop monitor GPU utilization for R600 and up
- rawstudio tool for working with RAW images
- rawtherapee RAW image processing application
- ruby-chunky_png pure ruby library for chunk-level access to PNG
- ruby-rmagick Ruby interface to ImageMagick
- ruby-rqrcode library to encode QR Codes
- ruby-rqrcode-core library to encode QR Codes
- s10sh S10sh - a Canon PowerShot digital camera driver
- sane-backends API for accessing scanners, backends
- scour SVG scrubber
- scratch visual programming environment and toolkit
- scrot commandline screen capture util
- seq2gif convert ttyrec recording into an animated gif
- shaderc SL/HLSL to SPIR-V shader compiler
- shotwell digital photo organizer
- simgear library set for simulations, games and visualizations
- simple-scan simple scanning utility
- skanlite scanning application for KDE
- sketch 3D scene description translator for TeX
- slop query for a selection and print to stdout (select operation)
- spirv-cross parse and convert SPIR-V to other shader languages
- spirv-headers SPIRV-Headers
- spirv-tools API and commands for processing SPIR-V
- termtosvg record terminal sessions as SVG animations
- tgif two-dimensional drawing tool and hyper-object browser
- tiff tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
- tiff2png converts TIFF images to PNG format
- tkimg image extension for Tcl/Tk
- tkpng PNG photo image extension for Tcl/Tk
- ttfautohint automated hinting process based on FreeType's autohinter
- tumble convert pictures into pdf book
- ufraw read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras
- unwebp convert webp into gif/png
- vcdimager (S)VCD authoring software
- vid get images from USB cameras using the OV511(+) chipsets
- videod video capture daemon for bktr(4) driver
- viewnior fast and simple image viewer
- vigra image processing and analysis library
- volk meta loader for Vulkan API
- vulkan-headers Vulkan header files
- vulkan-loader Vulkan ICD loader
- vulkan-tools Vulkan Utilities and Tools
- vulkan-utility-libraries Vulkan Utility Libraries
- vulkan-validation-layers Vulkan Validation Layers
- waffle OpenGL API/window system abstraction
- webp-pixbuf-loader WebP GDK Pixbuf Loader library
- wmicons icons mainly for use in Window Maker
- xanim X11 player for the old ANIM format
- xaos interactive fractal zoomer and morpher
- xbmbrowser view complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps
- xdot interactive viewer for Graphviz dot graphs
- xfig CAD drawing program for X11
- xoris X11 pixel color grabber
- xpaint simple paint program
- xsane scanner frontend for SANE
- xv X11 image display and modification tool
- xzgv picture viewer for X, with thumbnail-based file selector
- yacreader read and manage your digital comic collection
- zbar ZBar barcode reader
- zimg scaling, colorspace conversion, and dithering library
- zint library for encoding data in several barcode variants
- zxing barcode image processing library
- zxing-cpp C++ barcode image processing library