
parametric 2D/3D CAD program

  1. Package version
  2. Maintainer
    Johannes Thyssen Tishman

SOLVESPACE is a free parametric 3D CAD tool. Applications include:

- Modeling 3D parts: draw with extrudes, revolves, helixes and
Boolean (union / difference / intersection) operations

- Modeling 2D parts: draw the part as a single section, and export
DXF, PDF, SVG; use 3D assembly to verify fit

- 3D-printed parts: export the STL or other triangle mesh expected
by most 3D printers

- Preparing CAM data: export 2D vector art for a waterjet machine
or laser cutter; or generate STEP or STL, for import into
third-party CAM software for machining

- Mechanism design: use the constraint solver to simulate planar
or spatial linkages, with pin, ball, or slide joints

- Plane and solid geometry: replace hand-solved trigonometry and
spreadsheets with a live dimensioned drawing

  • devel/gettext,-runtime
  • math/eigen3
  • devel/cmake
  • devel/ninja
  • STEM->=5.4.0:archivers/xz

  • devel/desktop-file-utils
  • misc/shared-mime-info
  • math/eigen3
  • x11/gtk+4,-guic