
various tools for the Go programming language

  1. Package version
  2. Maintainer
    The OpenBSD ports mailing-list

This package holds the source for various packages and tools that
support the Go programming language:

* benchcmp displays performance changes between benchmarks
* bundle creates a single-source-file version of a source package
suitable for inclusion in a particular target package
* callgraph a tool for reporting the call graph of a Go program
* compilebench benchmarks the speed of the Go compiler
* digraph performs queries over unlabelled directed graphs represented
in text form
* eg performs example-based refactoring
* fiximports fixes import declarations to use the canonical import path
for packages that have an "import comment"
* go-contrib-init helps new Go contributors to get their development
environment set up for the Go contribution process.
* godex dumps exported information of packages or selected objects
* godoc extracts and generates documentation for Go programs
* goimports updates Go import lines
* gomvpkg moves go packages, updating import declarations
* gorename performs precise type-safe renaming of identifiers in Go code
* gotype syntactic and semantic analysis of Go files and packages
* goyacc Go version of yacc
* guru tool for answering questions about Go source code
* html2article takes an HTML file and outputs a corresponding article file
in present format
* present displayslide presentations and articles
* ssadump display and interpret the SSA form of Go programs
* stress utility intended for catching of episodic failures
* stringer creation of methods that satisfy the fmt.Stringer interface
* toolstash save, run and restore a known good copy of the Go toolchain
and compare the object files generated by two toolchains

| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

When started via the rc script, by default godoc will only show
documentation for the go distribution itself. If serving documentation
for packages in other workspaces is desired, the GOPATH environment
variable should be set. This can be achieved without affecting other
daemons by creating a separate login class for the godoc rc script.

Example login.conf(5) fragment:


(Refer to getcap(3), login.conf(5) and rc.d(8) for details.)

  • lang/go
  • archivers/unzip

  • lang/go