W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
Package versionxsd-4.1.0.a11p0
MaintainerKlemens Nanni
CodeSynthesis XSD is a W3C XML Schema to C++ translator. It generates
vocabulary-specific, statically-typed C++ mappings (also called bindings) from
XML Schema definitions. XSD supports two C++ mappings: in-memory C++/Tree and
event-driven C++/Parser.
The C++/Tree mapping consists of C++ classes that represent data types defined
in XML Schema, a set of parsing functions that convert XML documents to a
tree-like in-memory object model, and a set of serialization functions that
convert the object model back to XML.
The C++/Parser mapping provides parser skeletons for data types defined in XML
Schema. Using these parser skeletons you can build your own in-memory
representations or perform immediate processing of XML documents.
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