multi-platform productivity suite
Package versionlibreoffice-
MaintainerRobert Nagy
LibreOffice is a productivity suite that is compatible with other major
office suites, and available on a variety of platforms.
It is free software and therefore free to download, use and distribute.
- debug
- no_java
- no_lang
- archivers/zip
- archivers/unzip
- archivers/gtar
- databases/db/v4
- devel/bison
- devel/cppunit
- devel/gettext,-tools
- devel/gpatch
- devel/gperf
- graphics/glew
- graphics/glm
- shells/bash
- archivers/p5-Archive-Zip
- misc/findutils
- security/nss
- sysutils/coreutils
- textproc/clucene
- textproc/gsed
- x11/gtk+3
- devel/metaauto
- devel/autoconf/2.69
- devel/metaauto
- devel/automake/1.12
- x11/gnome/librsvg
- devel/apache-ant
- lang/python/3.10
- x11/qt5/qttools,-main
- jdk->=17v0,<18v0:devel/jdk/17
- devel/gmake
- archivers/unzip
- STEM->=5.4.0:archivers/xz
- archivers/bzip2
- devel/desktop-file-utils
- devel/xdg-utils
- graphics/glew
- lang/python/3.10
- misc/shared-mime-info
- security/nss
- textproc/clucene
- x11/gtk+3
- x11/gtk+4,-guic