
lightweight, simple, fast, extensible text editor

  1. Package version
  2. Maintainer
    Denis Fondras

Lite XL is a lightweight text editor written mostly in Lua - it
aims to provide something practical, pretty, small and fast,
implemented as simply as possible; easy to modify and extend, or
to use without doing either.

Lite XL is based on the Lite editor and provide some enhancements
while remaining generally compatible with it. The aim of Lite XL
compared to Lite is to be more user friendly, improve the quality
of font rendering, and reduce CPU usage. Please note that Lite XL
is compatible with Lite for most plugins and all color themes. We
provide a separate lite-xl-plugins repository for Lite XL, because
in some cases some adaptations may be needed to make them work
better with Lite XL. The repository with modified plugins is

  • STEM->=1.3.2v0:devel/meson
  • lang/lua/5.4

  • lang/lua/5.4