sequel to the family-friendly 3D action adventure
Package versionbugdom2-4.0.0
Maintainerizzy Meyer
Three years after Rollie McFly's victory over King Thorax, the
Bugdom remains a dangerous place. Skip, our new hero, has had his
knapsack stolen by a Bully Bee. Your mission as Skip is to track
down the Bully Bee and retrieve your knapsack in the chase that
takes place around a house.
Along the way, you'll receive assistance from new Bugdom friends
like Sam the Snail and Sally the Chipmunk. Sam may require you to
prove yourself before offering help, while Sally is preoccupied
with collecting acorns. Make sure to have plenty of acorns to give
to Sally. Additionally, the same Buddy Bugs that aided Rollie McFly
will assist you in defeating hostile bugs you come across.
- devel/cmake
- devel/ninja
- devel/desktop-file-utils
- x11/gtk+4,-guic