
multimedia platform inspired by HyperCard

  1. Package version
  2. Maintainer
    Jag Talon

Decker is a multimedia platform for creating and sharing interactive
documents, with sound, images, hypertext, and scripted behavior.
It builds on the legacy of HyperCard and the visual aesthetic of
classic MacOS. It retains the simplicity and ease of learning that
HyperCard provided, while adding many subtle and overt quality-of-life
improvements, like deep undo history, support for scroll wheels and
touchscreens, more modern keyboard navigation, and bulk editing

| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Decker comes with a quickstart guide when you launch decker. More
examples are available in ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/examples/decker and
you can see them by passing them as an argument:

$ decker ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/examples/decker/chickenwave.deck

Decker comes with its own scripting language called the Lil programming
language. A standalone version of the Lil interpreter is installed
as `lilt`. You can find examples of Lil programs by in the same
directory. Try out the following:

$ lilt ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/examples/decker/mandel.lil


Beyond the examples provided, you also have access to offline HTML
manuals. You can open them by navigating your browser to

  • editors/vim
  • shells/bash
  • devel/gmake

  • devel/xdg-utils