full featured DVD copy program
Package versiondvdrip-0.98.11p5
MaintainerThe OpenBSD ports mailing-list
dvd::rip is a full featured DVD copy program written in Perl. It
provides an easy to use but feature-rich Gtk+ GUI to control almost all
aspects of the ripping and transcoding process. It uses the widely known
video processing swissknife transcode and many other Open Source tools.
dvd::rip has quite a few soft dependencies. Check "Debug -> Check
dependencies" in dvd::rip for details. If operated in cluster mode,
only transcode has to be installed on all slave nodes, not dvd::rip
- devel/p5-Event-ExecFlow
- net/p5-Event-RPC
- x11/p5-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory
- graphics/ImageMagick
- devel/desktop-file-utils
- devel/p5-Event-ExecFlow
- multimedia/transcode
- multimedia/subtitleripper
- multimedia/xine-ui
- net/fping
- net/p5-Event-RPC
- x11/p5-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory
- multimedia/ogmtools
- STEM->=0.15:multimedia/lsdvd
- x11/gtk+4,-guic