completion input-method to speed up typing
Package versionibus-typing-booster-2.25.3
MaintainerAntoine Jacoutot
Ibus-typing-booster is a completion input method to speed-up typing.
- Context sensitive completions.
- Learns from user input.
- Can be trained by supplying files containing typical user input.
- If available, hunspell and hunspell dictionaries will also be used
to provide not only completion but also spellchecking suggestions.
- Can be used with any keyboard layout.
- Almost all input methods supplied by libm17n are supported.
- Several input methods and languages can be used at the same time
without switching.
- Predicts Unicode symbols and emoji as well.
- devel/gettext,-tools
- inputmethods/ibus
- devel/glib2
- lang/python/3.10
- devel/gmake
- devel/desktop-file-utils
- inputmethods/ibus
- misc/m17n/lib
- x11/gtk+4,-guic
- devel/glib2
- devel/dconf
- lang/python/3.10