
compiler for the functional language Haskell

  1. Package version
  2. Maintainer
    The OpenBSD ports mailing-list

The Glasgow Haskell Compiler is a state-of-the-art, open source, compiler and
interactive environment for the functional language Haskell. Highlights:

* GHC supports the entire Haskell 98 language plus a wide variety of
* GHC works on several platforms including Windows and a few varieties of
Unix, and a few different processor architectures. There are detailed
instructions for porting GHC to a new platform. Which doesn't work.
* GHC has extensive optimisation capabilities, including inter-module
* GHC compiles Haskell code either by using an intermediate C compiler
(GCC), or by generating native code on most currently supported
platforms. The interactive environment compiles Haskell to
bytecode, and supports execution of mixed bytecode/compiled
* Profiling is supported, both by time/allocation and various kinds of
heap profiling.
* GHC comes with a minimal range of libraries, but a wide range of
additional libraries are available as separate packages, including
the full set of the Haskell Platform.

  • archivers/bzip2
  • archivers/gtar
  • lang/python/3.10
  • devel/metaauto
  • devel/autoconf/2.71
  • devel/metaauto
  • devel/automake/1.16
  • devel/libtool
  • devel/gmake
  • STEM->=1.21:textproc/groff
  • STEM->=5.4.0:archivers/xz