KDE TeX/LaTeX bibliographies management application
Package versionkbibtex-0.10.0p0
MaintainerRafael Sadowski
KBibTeX is a reference management application which can be used to collect
TeX/LaTeX bibliographies and export them in various formats.
KBibTeX can do the following things:
- Preview bibliography entries in various formats (Source (BibTeX), Source
(RIS), Wikipedia, standard (XML/XSLT), fancy (XML/XSLT), and abstract-only
(XML/XSLT)). Additional preview styles become available when bibtex2html is
- Import data in various bibliography file formats such as BibTeX,
RIS and ISI and export data to PDF (requires pdflatex), PostScrip,
RTF, and HTML.
- Search for the bibliography entries data in online databases (e.g. Google
Scholar, ACM, IEEE, arXiv, etc.)
- Preview local or remote (online) resources, e.g. PDF files, linked in the
BibTEX entry.
- Find and merge duplicate entries in bibliography.
- Integrate your bibliographies with LaTeX editors such as Kile and LyX.
- Import your Zotero library.
- devel/gettext,-tools
- devel/kf5/kdoctools
- STEM->=5.115.0:devel/kf5/extra-cmake-modules
- devel/cmake
- devel/ninja
- x11/qt5/qttools,-main
- STEM->=5.4.0:archivers/xz
- devel/desktop-file-utils
- misc/shared-mime-info
- print/texlive/base
- x11/gtk+4,-guic
- x11/qt5/qtquickcontrols
- x11/kde-applications/okular