next generation web framework for Perl
Package versionp5-Mojolicious-8.22p0
MaintainerThe OpenBSD ports mailing-list
Mojolicious is a real-time web framework, allowing you to easily grow
single file prototypes into well-structured web applications.
Powerful out of the box with RESTful routes, plugins, commands, Perl-ish
templates, content negotiation, session management, form validation,
testing framework, static file server, first class Unicode support and
much more for you to discover.
Full stack HTTP and WebSocket client/server implementation with IPv6, TLS,
SNI, IDNA, HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy, Comet (long polling), keep-alive, connection
pooling, timeout, cookie, multipart and gzip compression support.
Built-in non-blocking I/O web server, supporting multiple event loops as
well as optional preforking and hot deployment, perfect for embedding.
Automatic CGI and PSGI detection.
JSON and HTML/XML parser with CSS selector support.
| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD
For having Mojolicious listen on SSL, you should create your own
certificate first. See ssl(8) for details.
For a quick test, you can point 'morbo' to your certificate and key.
# morbo -l "https://*:443?cert=/etc/ssl/www.example.com.crt&key= \
/etc/ssl/private/www.example.com.key" ./myapp.pl
- devel/p5-EV
- STEM->=1.94:security/p5-IO-Socket-SSL