service interface for assistive technologies
Package versionat-spi2-core-2.50.1
MaintainerAntoine Jacoutot
AT-SPI is the primary service interface by which assistive technologies
query and receive notifications from running applications.
This version of at-spi is a major break from previous versions.
It has been completely rewritten to use D-Bus rather than ORBIT / CORBA
for its transport protocol.
This package includes the protocol definitions for the new D-Bus at-spi.
Also included is the daemon neccessary for forwarding device events and
registering accessible applications.
- textproc/libxml
- STEM->=1.3.2v0:devel/meson
- devel/gettext,-tools
- devel/gobject-introspection
- devel/dwz
- STEM->=5.4.0:archivers/xz
- textproc/libxml