X11 trippy color-cycling toy
Package versionxtacy-1.14p4
MaintainerThe OpenBSD ports mailing-list
Xtacy, a Graphics Hack for X11 windows
"Wow! This is better than snorting caffeine!" --Neil Braun
Xtacy is a graphics hack which I've been, well, hacking on, for 2 or 3
years now. It's been compiled on DECstations 3100, SGI running IRIX 5.3,
and Linux boxen. I think someone got it running on a Sun once, but it
had problems with the circle draw function, so a couple of the modes
looked quite odd. Not that odd is bad. Just odd.
So what does it do? Xtacy displays bouncing shapes, rotating palettes,
a couple fractals, a kaleidoscope, and lots of more stuff.
- devel/imake
- devel/imake-cf